How much troopers earn?

How much Troopers earn depends on the market. You'll get paid per service route every Friday. To calculate route pay, we include a predetermined and estimated time.

Drive time

Drive time is calculated using Google Maps starting and ending at the storage facility.

Time at each stop

Time at each stop is estimated at 7 minutes for installs and 5 minutes for uninstalls.

Storage time

Storage time is calculated based on the number of stops on the route.

Drive time

We use Google Maps to calculate driving time starting and ending at the storage facility. It includes an estimated drive with typical traffic. This example has 4 hours of drive time.

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Time at each stop

We add the estimated time at each stop. We'll add 7 minutes for sign installs and 5 minutes for uninstalls. In this route, we have 10 stops in total. Let's assume we have 5 installs and 5 uninstalls. That's one hour total, of time at each stop.

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Storage time

The storage time depends on the number of stops in each route. For a route with 10 stops, we'll add 20 minutes of storage time.

Size of the market

We have three different types of markets.


Small markets have routes once or twice a week. These routes are 1 to 4 hours. You can earn up to $28 per hour


Medium markets have routes two to four days a week. These routes are 3 to 7 hours. You can earn up to $26 per hour


Large markets have routes Monday through Friday. Routes are 4 to 10 hours. You can earn up to $26 per hour

Why is the pay different based on the market size?

We consider the fact that the more you drive, the more you spend on your vehicle. Large markets require less driving between stops than a small market. Thus, large market drivers spend less time and money driving between stops.